Monday, September 24, 2012

The Great State of Massachusetts

                            Massachusetts QUIZ - Thursday, October 4th

Are you smarter than a third grader? Who knows more about out great state . . . you or your son/daughter? Students have learned the important cities, towns, waterways, and topographical features of The Bay State. They will be asked to locate and draw them on an outline map of Massachusetts.  Make a game of it. Each person takes a map and list of locations to identify. Set a timer and start. See who correctly locates all the features in the shortest amount of time. Winner chooses the toppings on the next family pizza night. Learning should be fun!

Majestic Monarchs

                       Life Cycle  QUIZ - Thursday, September 27th

Students will complete an assessment on the life cycle of the Monarch butterfly this Thursday, September 27th. A student created study guide went home in the orange homework folders Monday. The students will be asked to draw, label, and describe the four stages of the Monarch life cycle. Students should use correct scientific language and draw pictures with as much detail as their writing.  On the reverse side of their orange life cycle the students have listed must have vocabulary that will help them score a 3 - meets the standards. A second list of vocabulary will help them achieve a 4- exceeds expectations. Ask your son/daughter to explain the stages to you orally at the start of the week and then ask them to draw and explain by the middle of the week. You will be surprised by how much the students have absorbed by observing our habitat.

Curriculum Night a Success

                                  THANK YOU FOR COMING!

It was a pleasure to meet so many of you at curriculum night and share with you the hopes and dreams of your sons/daughters. The students loved reading your letters Friday morning and checked to see if I had given you a basic fact test. They were anxious to see how you did. 

I trust the information I shared about our schedule and the topics we will cover in our studies this year was helpful for you. I think you all enjoyed your turn with the interactive whiteboard. It was nice to see the team work in helping each other master the stylis. The students use our whiteboard to its full potential throughout the day.

As the year progresses I am sure that new questions will arise. Please feel free to contact me at any point.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Math Study Guide

                                        Unit One Math Asessment 9/20

Students will complete and correct a study guide for all math assessments at school in advance of the unit tests. The study guide will be found in their orange folder along with their completed and corrected workbook pages for the unit two nights before the test. Please use these materials to review and to strengthen any areas of challenge in preparation for the test.

The unit one assessment will include: time- standard, elapsed, and clock face; data charts and graphs - don't forget the title and labels as well as the identifiers on the x and y axis, be able to transfer tally marks to a bar graph; show monetary amounts two different ways - different coin/bill combinations; name-collection boxes - 10 different ways to say/show a number; compare amounts of money using greater than and less than - be sure you know the symbols > and <; complete a number flow chart and determine pattern and missing numbers; and explain what equals means.

New England Quiz

                                    New England States and Capitals 9/21

Our grade level Ipad will be used to assess student knowledge of the New England states and capitals on Friday the 21st. The students should be able to identify the six New England states by name, locate them on a map, and tell the name of their capital city. Students should also be able to locate the six New England states on a map of the United States. Study guides to help review will be in the orange homework folders Monday the 17th.

How to Prepare for Directions Quiz

                          QUIZ - Thursday 9/14 and Friday 9/15

Students will take a quiz 9/14 and 9/15 on their cardinal directions. They will be asked to locate the primary and secondary directions on a compass rose and to identify the name and abbreviation for each. Students will have access to a work mat with a compass rose and will respond to multiple choice and short answer questions on an Ipad. Study guides were sent home today to help with review.

Face the Facts

                                    Basic Math Facts = Nightly Practice

A baseline assessment of the basic math facts is given the first week of school on all four math operations.  One hundred basic facts in addition, subtraction, and multiplication are allotted 5 minutes for accurate completion. Eighty division facts are allotted 4 minutes. The Commonwealth of Massachusettts standard is mastery of the addition facts at the end of grade one. Addition and subtraction should be mastered at the end of grade two. Multiplication is the end of grade 3.

Our baseline assessment shows the need for regular nightly fact practice as many of the students did not successfully meet these standards.  It is extremely important that the students master their basic facts so that they can successfully complete the more complex multi-step computation that is part of the third grade curriculum. Flash cards, worksheets, guizzes and games are great ways to help your child improve their math skills. We will be testing the basic math facts regulary here at school until the students have reached the mastery goal. Your assitance at home in helping them achieve success is truly appreciated.

Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is?

                                                  Make Time for Time!

Digital technology has made the standard clock almost obsolete. So much so that many of the students cannot tell time by reading the hands on a clockface. Please take the opportunity to ask you son/daughter the time whenever you see what they call an "old-fashioned clock."  Practice drawing hands and times on clocks. Play online games with clock faces. When completing their nightly HomeLink, if the time comes from a digital read, ask them to draw the time on the back of the page as practice. This will help them master the third grade standard of telling time to the nearest minute and of differentating bewteen before and after the hour.