Saturday, January 18, 2014

Owl Pellets Dissected

                                  Student Scientists 


Tired and happy authors held a class celebration once their devoted fans left their non-fiction launch party Friday. A culminating PBL celebration activity was the disection of owl pellets. Each budding scientist received his/her own pellet to study. We found undigested bones and fur in the regurgitated owl pellets.

The eeewws quickly turned to ooohs and aaaahs as the students sealed up in latex gloves and embraced the discovery. Skulls were revealed along with numerous other body parts. The bones were matched to charts in an effort to determine what animal had become the owl's dinner. Our research and scientific analysis indicates that the pellets we dissected contained remains of mice and moles.

The skills of inquiry and the scientific process were keenly observed as the morning's authors and illustrators morphed into serious researchers after lunch. Friday was an amazing celebration of high quality work, effort, support, cross-curriculum learning, dicovery, joy and pride.  Congratulations to all!

Nocturnal Animal Books Published

                            Authors Day Celebration


The Happy Little Hurleys celebrated the completion of their project based learning (PBL)on nocturnal animals by publishing their own non-fiction texts. Nocturnal animals were introduced with a study of bats and owls. Informational writing, a goal of the Shrewsbury Writing Project, was modeled in each classroom. Students chose their own nocturnal animal to become an expert on.

The second grade scientists conducted text and online research to learn about their animal's habitat, adaptations, diet, physical features, and world location. They used a pillar (organizer) to outline their information and write their text. The authors planned their layout and design in a folio and added the features of a non-fiction text to their book.

Happy Little Hurley Publishing held a launch party Friday, January 17th to celebrate our second grade authors. Hundreds of parents, families, and friends attended. The young author's and illustrators shared their knowledge of their nocturnal animal and the publishing process with an overflow crowd. The audience was awed by the thoughtful, detailed, work on the PBLs. Parents, grandparents, Coolidge faculty and staff meet with individual authors to learn about a variety of nocturnal animals and marvel at the high quality work produced by the authors/researchers. Many fans stayed for lunch to continue the celebration.

Thank you to everyone who supported this wonderful PBL experience!

Friday, January 3, 2014

No School January 2nd and 3rd

                                     Happy Snow Day!


          Looking for something to do with your extended vacation?  Read! Log on to RAZ-Kids and enjoy a good book. Sign in to XtraMAth and practice your facts. Grab a notebook and show don't tell about your adventures in a journal.
         See you next week! : )

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Always! Always! Always!

                           Grade Two No Excuse Spelling List


           When we return in January we will focus on the ALWAYS! ALWAYS! ALWAYS! Grade Two No Excuse Spelling List. The words on this list should always be spelled correctly by the students in their writing, reading, and everyday work. We will reinforce correct spelling and use of these words through our word work activities in January.

New Student

                                Welcome Thiago


         The Happy Little Hurleys are pleased to welcome the newest member of our clan - Thiago Viera. Thiago will join us on January 2nd.  He and his family recently moved to Coolidge from New Hampshire. We know Thiago will be warmly welcomed in room 3 and that his family will soon feel comfortable in their new home here in Shrewsbury.