Monday, September 1, 2014

Math in Focus


            The Shrewsbury Public Schools have adopted a new Math program to help address the standards for mathematical practice outlined in the common core. Math in Focus is based on the principles that have been successful in Singapore Math.
            Teachers were introduced to the common core, math talk, and slow thinking last spring through a series of presentations by author and mathematician Greg Tang, as well as representatives of the publisher. In June I attended The Summer Institute where I spent another day with Greg Tang and four days with representatives of Looney Math Consultants. In August I began a semester long course with Dr. Richard Bisk, a U.S. Consultant to Math in Focus. I am excited to guide the Happy Little Hurleys on our new Math adventure.
            Tomorrow we will begin exploration of numbers through 1,000. During the next two weeks we will learn how to read, write, and record numbers to 1,000 ( numerical form, standard form, and expanded form). We will also learn to count on by 1s, 10s, 100s, and 1,000s.  There will be numerous opportunities to use base ten blocks and games to reinforce learning. We will guide students in progressing from concrete models, to pictorial thinking, to abstract reasoning.  HOW one derives an answer is very important in mathematical development. You can assist at home by asking your son/daughter to explain their thinking. Why did you choose that tool to solve the problem? What was your thinking? Will that work for other similar problems? Is there another way to find the answer?  Talking about Math leads to a greater understanding of a concept. so . . .  we will do some SLOW THINKING and a lot of MATH TALK this year.

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